


Dental Clinic is a Small Business, in a competitive market, with 51% Clinical and 49% Business activity. In order to peak perform, dental clinics should manage over 30 clinical and business processes. Due to resource limitations, dental clinics handle no more than 10 processes. Due to this, over 90% of dental clinics, small or big, have systemic & process related Problems. As a result of this, footfalls stop growing. After reaching a Peak, footfalls start to decrease, affecting capacity utilization and profitability. Patient Attrition levels increase. Patient Lifetime and Treatment Acceptance Rates decrease. Core Referral Rates come down. Referral Chains start to break impacting the free flow of New Patients.Some Clinics reach this stage quickly, while some others take a little more time. But, everyone reaches the stage and stagnate; when they start looking for new locations. The Problem is with the Clinics, not the Patients! Once the Core Problems are fixed, Every Clinic will start to Peak Perform. In order to deliver sustained results, clinic marketing should always be patient driven.

Truhart Services

What we do: Our Focus

Clinical Data Capture

Conversion of Clinical Data into Actionable Business Data. Recall Scheduling

Continuity of Care

Post Treatment Care & Long-term Care Continuity and End of Day Reporting

Clinic Patient Relations

Creating Strong Relationships & Trust between Clinic and Patient. Driving Family Practice.

Patient Driven Marketing

Soft Marketing thru Patients to ensure Referral Amplification and build Referral Chains.

Patient Recalls & Recovery

Deferred Treatment Recalls, Old Patient Recalls, Increasing Treatment Accpetance Rates.

Business Analytics & Support

Weekly Business Analysis and Business Metrics Reports. Course Correction Strategies.


Clinical & Business Processes

Retaining existing patients, attracting new ones and promoting family practice program are important for a thriving dental practice. CLTV is the key matrics for Clinic Performance. 80% of Clinics have poor CLTV. Clinic Side Processes:  Appointment Booking, Personal Appt Reminders, Patient On-Arrival, Front Office Comm., Consultation & Exam, Treatment Delivery, Treatment Scheduling, Billing & Cash Collection, Prosthetics Coordination, Family ProgramTruhart Side Processes: Presence Management, Patient Profiling, Actionable Data Capture, Prognosis Capture, Post Treatment Care, Long-term Care Continuity, Clinical Outcome Tracking, Patient Tracking, Deferred Revenue Tracking, Patient Recall, Referral Tracking, Improve Post Consult TAR, Baseline Metrics & Valuation, Business Metrics Reports, Referral Rewards & Recog., Referral Amplification, Captive Patient Gen., Pre-Appointments, Satisfaction Analysis, Patient Social SharingTypical Dental Practices, alike other small businesses, need careful business analysis, tailor made business solutions and proper external support to help them sustain & flourish.


Your Clinic's Back Office

The Platform: TRUHART.AI is an efficient business platform for Dentists; to boost Patient Footfalls, Clinic Income & CLTV. However, to get results, Clinics need the trained staff to fully utilize the platform capabilities. Majority of the Dentists do not have the required bandwidth/time, expertise or resources. Having effective tools like the TRUHART.AI Platform becomes a dud investment over time. Challenges: Dental Practices either should spend enough time or hire Dedicated Staff to support with Marketing, Clinical, Out of Hours & Strategy. Recruiting, Managing and Getting Results from this kind of staff is an expensive and time consuming porposition. Additionally, doctor's time, energy and undeterred focus is needed to manage the processes. The Solution: The Right Move Program by TRUHART is designed to deliver Remote Support to the Dental Clinics by Dedicated, Expert Staff shared by Multiple Clinics; thus reducing the costs borne by individual clinics. Once set, the Shared, Dedicated Teams help the Dental Clinics with Marketing Support, Clinical Support, Out Of Hours Support & Strategy Support. Benefits: Right Move Services by TRUHART, results in boosted Life time Value of Patients, Increased Referrals, Improved Pre-Appointments, Enhanced Clinical Outcomes, Increased Patient Satisfaction and finally enahance the Bond between the Patient and Clinic.


Benefits we Provide

Dental Clinics are primarily Small Businesses run by Dentists. Healthcare and Care Continuity Management is time consuming; leaving very little time for Doctors to effectively manage business & marketing functions. Dental Practices inherently need systematic business & marketing efforts to sustain growth. 80% of the Dental Practices operate with less than 4 to 5 patients/day; and going over this hump neeeds organized effort. Retaining existing patients, attracting new ones and promoting family practice program are important for a thriving dental practice. CLTV is the key matrics for Clinic Performance. 80% of Clinics have poor CLTV. Typical Dental Practices, alike other small businesses, need careful business analysis, tailor made business solutions and proper external support to help them sustain & flourish.

Just Focus on Patient Care
Truhart does the Rest

While You Focus on Patient Care, Truhart supports you on all four fronts: Marketing, Clinical, OOH & Strategy.

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    Referral Amplification
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    Attrition Reduction
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    OOH Patient Support
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    OOH Appointments
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    FP Onboarding
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    Lab Certification
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    Surveys & Analytics

Right Move In Action

Typical Dental Practices should be able to achive near optimal metrics, once you start using the Right Move Services by Truhart. Bottom line is Great Patient Care, and that's what the Clinic should focus on.

Referral Rate
Attrition Rate
Life Time of Patient
12 Years
Patient Life Time Value
Rs. 30,000

Prostho: Implants




Endo + Prostho




Are you ready to make the Right Move?

OPTION 1: Schedule Clinic Visit: Truhart Consultant Visits Your ClinicOPTION 2: Online Session Now: Followup Zoom Meeting